Monday, March 30, 2009
so what did u do during earth hour?
one of the cast is kind enough to share his house with us to spend the day and because it's by the lake, we can see the whole of Cyberjaya from the balcony.
i brought my video camera to film the whole of Cyberjaya froma bright atmosphere to this pitch black land. the start was really awesome because we filmed everyone wishing 'happy earth hour' and one by one, we blew off our candles. it's so wonderful to see everyone together and spending time with them is just splendid....
so, what we did after that?heheheeee~
we decided to make a documentary on's so random because we don't know what to do so we had a person to tell us a ghost story and suddenly we heard noises from one room and that's where our rendition of 'homemade ghost-hunting' begins. whoever goes into the room, he'll die.... so by one of us die.... a lot of shouting going on in the house to make it sound real... i have to give credits to all of them, they are such great actors even though some of them didn't get the whole idea of the documentary and laugh in the middle of the filming.... but in the end it still turned out great!alot of camera shaking and turned over and i have to admit, some part does looked so real that i freaked myself after watching it.. :P
yay~ we were awesome!!!!
an hour later, the lights are back on and some of them played ps3 while some of us just kept chatting away about random stuff..... honestly, it was a great night and i wouldn't want to do it some other way.
so...since we achived 1 cause....let's start a new one.... 'say NO to plastic bags day'.... or 'STOP child abuse' or 'STOP animal abuse' or even 'HELP the needy day'......hahhahaaa~ i'm just giving random ideas.....
Shahila Johan
Thursday, March 26, 2009
60 earth hour... come join...

as many of you know or heard it in the radio or saw it in tv and all, u know that tomorrow, on the 28th of March 2008, there will be a cause called "60 earth hour". i do pledge to tell everyone to join this cause for 1 day only, for an hour, to just turn off your lights at 8.30pm to 9.30pm. i do urge everyone to join in, you can be anywhere and just turn of your lights for an hour, let's save the electricity.
more details below.......
2,848 cities, towns and municipalities in 84 countries have already committed to VOTE EARTH for Earth Hour 2009, as part of the worlds first global election between Earth and global warming.
This year, Earth Hour has been transformed into the world’s first global election, between Earth and global warming. For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background have the opportunity to use their light switch as their vote – Switching off your lights is a vote for Earth, or leaving them on is a vote for global warming. WWF are urging the world to VOTE EARTH and reach the target of 1 billion votes, which will be presented to world leaders at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009. This meeting will determine official government policies to take action against global warming, which will replace the Kyoto Protocol. It is the chance for the people of the world to make their voice heard.
Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007, when 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights for one hour. In 2008 the message had grown into a global sustainability movement, with 50 million people switching off their lights. Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square all stood in darkness.
In 2009, Earth Hour is being taken to the next level, with the goal of 1 billion people switching off their lights as part of a global vote. Unlike any election in history, it is not about what country you’re from, but instead, what planet you’re from. VOTE EARTH is a global call to action for every individual, every business, and every community. A call to stand up and take control over the future of our planet. Over 74 countries and territories have pledged their support to VOTE EARTH during Earth Hour 2009, and this number is growing everyday.
We all have a vote, and every single vote counts. Together we can take control of the future of our planet, for future generations.
so register yourself and count your vote in this remarkable day at and be part of it.
we can still have fun in the dark what....don't stay with your friends, families and everyone....just don't burn yourself with the candles ok? :P
Shahila Johan
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
a new role...a new challenge...
the best part of this musical is that, they've casted me as one of the main cast where i have to play a bitchy, snobbish, over confident and arrogant senior name Sheila George. it's kindda ironic that the character's name is almost the same as my real name.hahahhaaaa~
well anyway, the 1st rehearsal was fun and i've got to know alot of talented new bunch and i've learned that most of them are still new and wanna try out in this industry.... i'm glad that they did because i don't wanna see all those talent goes to waste... to see them enjoying themselves is amazing because you know that they love what they do and by this i'm sure most of them are not gonna stop there, i want them to go far, i wanna see them in other productions outside. i know truly, deeply from the bottom of my heart that they WILL go far.
for my character, i've always thought that it would be so easy to play a bitch. i mean, it's easier to play that rather than an innocent little girl right? WRONG! i found out that being mean can be quite hard as well..... i tried analysing the character and tried to related to it but everytime i act it out, it just won't come out. i'll end up saying 'sorry' to that person of compliment them. which they said that my character can never do or else i'm not a bitch. so i try again but everytime we did script reading, i'll ended up crying my eyes out everynight before going to bed because i'm afraid that everyone would think that i'd annoy them. that's what i think anyway. i know it's part of acting, and no one would say anything because it's just acting, but to me, it's more than that, i tried so hard to be mean but i'll end up hurting myself more than i hurt others. i know i can't back away from this production anymore because i'm not a quitter, i've taken the challenge so i'm gonna do what i have to do even though this too hard for me to handle.
my target for this character is that, being a bitch, i hope that atleast some of the audiences can feel the hatred towards me.... to see a random audience staring at me after the show with those hatred eyes, i know that i've actually did it! i want people to hate my character simply because she is the person that everyone would love to hate anyway. some of my friend who saw the script would say that this character is very EVIL, 'such a bitch'....... but when i told them that i'll be playing that role, they'll just laugh at me and say that "it's probably ur eyes la"...... i dunno, but all i know is that i must do my best to make it make the director proud and my family to love me for who i am.
being in this musical with these talented casts have taught me to have fun while doing my job. laughter and bitching IS the best medication in life. :P to know that they'll be there for u until the very end is good enough, you'll have them to help you when you missed a class or sing wrongly or when you don't have a transport to go for rehearsal. i've found some really good friends that would help me no matter how hard it is and vise-versa la of course. i'm so glad that i've made alot of new friends.......although it's not much and i'm still learning their names, i know we'll eventually will get close before the show. some of us even click with the name 'the subang gang' that always get together to support our lovely cast members, no matter how far it is. :D
Shahila Johan
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sometimes I found out that bitching is a therapy for stressed person who needs someone to just listen to them. And to have someone to talk to is already a wonderful thing because at least, someone cares.
For me, I think I prefer saying it direct to the person itself although it will affect me later on but at least i know that no rumours or some other funny stories comes out. It has happened so many times. I used to always bitch about people I don’t really fancy to my friends and they would tell everyone else, their version of the story and rumour will start spreading like a dangerous disease. And then you’ll regret it, confront your friend, quarrel a bit, stop talking to them and then lastly... losing your friends. I’ve definitely learned my lessons....heheheeee..
Thinking back, I found out that being in this industry that I’m currently in is really different from before... no one really care about the theatre artists last time, but now, everything we do is being monitored closely whether you like it or not, and we have to behave and know what to say to everyone. A slipped tongue can lead to something else and your whole career can be ruined just like that!
It’s a tricky business but right now, I’m daring myself to the limit and see where I can go, I’m trying to be as high as possible...not because I want the fame or anything, I just want people to know me so that I can actually voice out to the world to help me save the environment and help me to help the needy and the less-fortuned people in the world. Because people tense to only listen to celebrities or their idols....and for now, I’m a nobody who’s trying my best to help others. Of course I’ll start small, from my country and then slowly, the world. I would really love to do that. To get everyone involve in this.
Well....that’s always been my target... to get involved in all this charity and all... to open a food-bank, to open a new organization to help the needy. You get what I mean right? :D
So now what I have to do is.... be the best I can be where ever I am and in whatever I’m doing! need all those blessings i can get now..heheheeee~
Shahila Johan
Friday, March 6, 2009
finding money for a good cause....
i mean, i can't help alot because i'm not THAT financially secure myself but i just wanna help those who are more less-fortunate than me.
of course, i have alot of target on how i can help out and all, and i even have my own 'spare-change-fund' of my own where i always go donate somewhere. so maybe i thought of sharing my 'spare-change-fund' method to everyone so atleast you can contribute it as well... :D
this is what you do... do you always loose you coins everywhere? under the seats of your car, behind the couch, under your bed, on the floor, in your beg or purse or handbegs, in the lawn outside your house or even in the toilet somewhere...heheheee~ you get what i mean right? so why not pick it up and just put it somewhere like a beg and call it the 'spare-change-beg' and the more you collect, you might end up with alot of money in a year already. with that money, what better way than to donate it to some charity for a good cause because for me, it makes me feel complete when i can make somebody (other than myself) happy.
the genuine smile that you get from the peson you've helped is so much more than you can get from anyone else that you know.
use that 'spare-change' and help donate to all the charity you can find while your walking with your friends at a mall or where ever, for earthquake victims, gaza victim funds, our flood funds or even the fund that goes to 'bersama mu' for TV3. it's all for a good cause and i can assure you that you're life will be blessed with all the fine things in life.
so yea..happy hunting for spare-change!hehheeeee~ do it if you really wanna help out!
one more thng, instead of throwing all the old junks that can still be use just because you've got a better ones, why not donate it?there's always a charity drive somewhere near you right? clothes, toys, mattress and everything that's still useful for others. although it's secondhand, but i'm sure that they will appreciate you for helping them.
my target in years to come is that, i'm gonna work hard to find money and open myself a 'food-bank'..... if you dunno what's a 'food-bank', a food-bank is where i rent a hall 3 or more times a week and simply cook for the homeless people. of course it would be wonderful if i have people to help me out too, the ones who would do it for the sake of charity and not for the money and all.
well, that's my own goal-will-turn-reality-soon i hope.hehheee~ will get my fingers crossed all the time for this. do support me if i actually personally ask you to help me with the favour ok?
i promise that everything here is for a good cause.
Shahila Johan
Monday, March 2, 2009
This one goes to everyone that I’ve worked with and currently with. It’s an honour to be here and perform with all you wonderful people and at the same time teaching me to be more patience in everything that I do, for supporting me even though I’m lack of a lot of things in life. To open up my eyes to the real world and the harshness that sometimes being put on. For trusting me on doing the things that I do. For forcing me to don’t give up when I’ve lost my hope in it. For making my day and made me smile when I feel crappy sometimes. For correcting me when I’m wrong. Most of all, thank you so much for being a wonderful friend. I couldn’t ask for anything more.
I always think positive in whatever I do so that I can one day touch someone’s life for once and just make them realize that they are not alone and there’s always someone who will support them through whatever you’re going through.
Now this one goes to my family and friends for their unconditionally never-ending love and support that they give to me through out since I was young until now! I am truly blessed with an awesome family who goes with me in this wonderful journey of performing arts and never stop me from doing what I love doing. Mom and Dad for encouraging me to do all his although I lost interest in it some part of my life before. For believing in me to do all the things that I couldn’t imagine myself doing. For spreading my wings so I can fly high above the ground to explore more about myself. For pulling me out of my shell when I have no confidence in everything that I do. Now I can’t stop doing it! For making me realize that I am more than what I am. The love that I have toward all of you is infinity!
Well.. until next time!
Shahila Johan