Monday, December 31, 2012

10 best qualities in a man

Ah... “The Notebook.” sigh~

Watched it last night. I don’t watch movies more than once, with very few exceptions. This is one of those exceptions; I’ve watched this movie 3 or 4 times now.
Many would argue that this movie is by far the best love story captured on film. What sets this movie apart from other love stories on film?
Noah and Allie’s love passes the test of endurance.
Unlike a typical romantic comedy or love story, we see beyond the “kiss”; we see what happens after happily ever after. As women, we want to believe that a man will find himself at home in our presence, that he truly means ’till death do us part.’ Even as Noah progressively loses Allie through Alzheimer’s, he states, “My sweetheart lives here. This is my home. She is my home.”
Noah is the prototype of what women desire in a man.
I wish men would take notes while watching this movie. There is so much to be learned from Noah’s character. Every woman I know who has seen this movie notes that Noah at first seems rather plain in physical appearance but by the end of the movie, he’s like a Greek god!

Seriously, you just fall in love with how he loves Allie. So guys, take some notes.
Women love…

1.) Men who are willing to makes fools of themselves to show how much they want to be with you. 
Ah... the power of the public grand gesture. It reminds us just how brave and courageous you are, willing to take risks and possible/likely rejection. (Think of the Ferris wheel scene when Noah jumps on to introduce himself to Allie and ask for a date.)

2.) Men who are persistent. 
Unless she is completely turned off by the sight of you from the initial meeting, she will warm up to your persistence. You can tell if an initial “no” really means “keep trying” if she is unable to hide some form of a smile or smirk. It shows us that you are not easily discouraged, that you are willing to work hard for what you want, that you are ambitious, and most importantly, that you really want us.

3.) Men who only have eyes for one woman. 
I know guys usually face rejection and move on to the next girl with ease, and a lot of guys can like several girls simultaneously. Girls don’t want to believe this, hence the appeal of Noah, who only has eyes for Allie. I guess the least you can do is make us feel like we are it. Don’t flaunt your other pursuits. Think the opposite of the message in the song Mambo # 9. It shows us that you are loyal, and that you see something in us that is different from all the other girls.

4.) Men who keep their promises regardless of circumstances. 

Noah said he would build the house with the blue shutters, the wrap around porch, and the painting room. He delivered. It shows us that you have integrity….which brings me to the next…

5.) Men who do the loving thing even when it hurts. 
Noah wrote Allie for a year without a response. Bravo. ’nuff said. This shows us that your hopes aren’t easily shattered, and even after it all, you are not bitter. Look at Noah’s last letter. Day 365:
My Dearest Allie, I couldn’t sleep last night because I know that it’s over between us. I’m not bitter anymore, because I know that what we had was real. And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I’ll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent the summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that’s what you’ve given me. That’s what I hope to give to you forever. I love you. I’ll be seeing you. Noah

6.) Men who esteem themselves not because of worldly accomplishments but in the accomplishment of loving another deeply.
At the beginning of the movie, Noah says:
I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who’s ever lived: I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.
This shows us that loving others is your greatest priority. That kind of man is hard to find!

7.) Men who really listen. 
I mean, you can tell he really listened because he remembered her wishes. When she said what she wanted, he looked at her intently, as if he were making a note in his mind. Like Rick Warren says in The Purpose-driven Life, what we really want from people we love is “focused attention.” We want to look into your eyes, and see that all of you is really there, and there is no other place you would rather be. This shows us that we are up there on your mental priority list and that you value our thoughts.

8.) Men who would tell the truth, risk hurting our feelings, and fight with us rather than withdraw and brush issues under the rug to preserve peace. 
Like this scene:
Noah: Well, that’s what we do: we fight. You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a b**ch, and I tell you when you are a pain in the a**, which you are 99 percent of the time. I’m not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2-second rebound rate, then you’re back doing the next pain-in-the-a** thing.
Allie: So what?
Noah: So it’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.

It shows us that you care enough about saving the authenticity of the relationship to speak out. It shows that you are not indifferent. It shows that you are a man and not a doormat.

9.) Men who are realists. 

They believe that it will take work and that it will be hard. Love is work; it isn’t leisure. They don’t buy into an easy, pain-free “happily ever after.” It shows us that you are in it with earthly expectations and that you are not just in love with the high of being in love. It shows us that you are willing to work at love and that hard times will not make you hardened. And lastly…

10.) Men who want us till death do us part. 

Forever isn’t scary; commitment isn’t scary. We want to believe that it is natural to want forever, to want commitment because it’s with us. A couple of years ago, I asked a guy I dated what was the number one quality he wanted in a girl. He replied, “forever.” (Sigh.) I guess “forever” is a universal wish of those who truly seek love.

I'm a freak... ou well....

Shahila Johan <3 span="span">

Monday, December 24, 2012

top 10 best pick up lines (from survey)....

When was the last time that a single and attractive individual approached you, and they had a great opening line? It probably doesn’t happen very often, right? The problem with pick up lines is that they are recycled endlessly, so who hasn’t heard the classics? Well, instead of those lame lines, take a look at these tried, tested and true pickup lines, and see what a little originality can do for your love life
1.“I’ll do anything to lick the polish off of your toenails.”
(An “A” for originality, but make sure she’s actually wearing polish.)
2.“Hi! Pull up a seat! If you can’t find one, there’s always my lap.”
(Most successful if said in a cute voice, aided by the batting of eyelashes.)
3.“I’ve lost my teddy bear, can I sleep with you? “
(This pick up line is most successful if said in a cute voice, aided by the batting of eyelashes.) - if anyone use that on me, i'd slap the hell out of him... =P
4.“Can I borrow a quarter?”
- “For what?”
- “I want to call your mother and thank her for bringing you into this world.”
(At least it should put a smile on her face.)
5.“If I followed you home, would you keep me?”
(A pick up line that could be quite endearing, provided you don’t look like the stalker type.)
6.“Have you always been this cute, or did you have to work at it?”
(Make sure to sound sincere.)
7.“Hello, my name is ______. I can sense that you are a fabulous lover, and that intimidates me, but maybe you could help my overcome my insecurity?”
8.“Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
(So, so cute...)
9.“Excuse me, could you give me directions?”
- “To where?”
-“Your heart.”
(A little cheesy, but reportedly has high success rates.)
10.“Hello, my name is_______, what’s yours?”
(This one may appear to lack in creativity, but it is the most successful pickup line of all time. And who can argue with success?)
Shahila Johan

Sunday, December 9, 2012

top 10 food for romance...

What do Cleopatra and Casanova have in common? They both indulged in aphrodisiacs. Raw oysters sucked right out of their shells. Buttery foie gras melting on the tongue. Salty caviar pearls bursting between your teeth. Whether these sexy treats have the magical, mood-enhancing properties ascribed to them or not, it is certain that certain foods boost the immune system and are chock-full of nutrients and vitamins such as B and E that enhance our physical well-being and good looks. After all, isn't attractiveness generally associated with the vibrant skin and fit look that comes from eating a healthy diet? Find out what foods rev your lover's engine!

1. Asparagus

Our love affair with this member of the Lily family dates back hundreds of years. Asparagus "stirs up lust in man and woman," wrote English herbalist Nicholas Culpepper in the 17th century. In 19th-century France, bridegrooms were served three courses of the sexy spears at their prenuptial dinner. Apparently for a good reason: asparagus is a great source of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamins A and C, and thiamin and folic acid. The latter is said to boost histamine production necessary for the ability to reach orgasm in both sexes.

2. Almonds

We are nuts about almonds! Although they don't look particularly sexy (although almond-shaped eyes certainly do), they have been regarded as fertility symbols throughout antiquity. And we suppose, there's something about these dry little nuts that recalls, well, testes. The aroma of almonds supposedly arouses passion in females — or so thought the poets and scribes of bygone eras. French writer Alexandre Dumas, the author of The Count of Monte Cristo, dined on almond soup every night before meeting his mistress. And Samson wooed Delilah with these tasty nuts, which lower cholesterol and provide abundant doses of vitamin E, magnesium and fiber to improve your general well-being. So you can keep going, and going, and going...

3. Avocado

Avocados are va-va-voom! But despite their voluptuous and feminine shape (here's a Rorschach question: without the pit, an avocado resembles a ... ?), they have been associated with male sexuality. In fact, the Aztecs' name for the avocado tree wasAhuacuatl, "testicle tree." And indeed, we can agree with the ancients who thought the fruit hanging in pairs on the tree resembled a dude's "crown jewels." But not everyone was cool with the idea. The Spanish, in fact, found avocados so obscenely sexy, that Catholic priests prohibited their consumption. Be sure to load up on the nutrient-rich fruit (guacamole, anyone?). While the creamy, cancer-fighting goodness packs in the calories, it's also high in folic acid, vitamin B6, potassium, omega-3 fatty acids and oleic acid, which fights "bad" cholesterol. Yes, the green-skinned delight is high in fat, but guys, you need fat for your body to make testosterone!

4. Bananas

This shapely and nutritious fruit is a complete meal, loaded with potassium, magnesium and B vitamins. It also contains chelating minerals and the bromelain enzyme, said to enhance the male libido — maybe that’s why Central Americans drink the sap of the red banana as an aphrodisiac, while Hindus regard it as a symbol of fertility. A banana left on a doorstep indicates that a marriage is about to take place. Bananas made an early appearance in the Garden of Eden; according to Islamic myth, Adam and Eve covered themselves not with fig but banana leaves.

5. Basil

This fragrant member of the mint family has an alluring aroma; so alluring, in fact, it can cure headaches. Hint, hint. All kinds of headaches! No wonder the Greeks regarded it as their royal herb. Its botanical name is derived from the Greek "to be fragrant." Basil has a warming effect on the body and promotes circulation. In some parts of Italy, basil is a love-token.

6. Chocolate (YAY!)

Why does eating chocolate make us so happy? It's a chemical thing. The "food of the gods" contains theobromine, a stimulating alkaloid similar to caffeine. Chocolate also helps the brain produce feel-good serotonin. Be sure to indulge in the dark variety — it contains incredible amounts of antioxidants, whereas milk chocolate is just that: milk and sugar with trace amounts of cocoa.

7. Eggs

The egg is one of the most ancient fertility symbols. Eggs are high in B6 and B5, which help you balance hormone levels and fight stress. Raw chicken eggs eaten before sex are considered to enhance one’s libido. But we’re talking eggs of all sorts, fish or fowl. Think of the way caviar gently bursts in your mouth or the delicacy of little darling quail eggs.

8. Figs

Said to be Cleopatra's favorite food, the sweet, purple fruits are sexy in both appearance and texture. For obvious reasons, they've been a synonym in erotic literature for female sexual organs. To the ancient Greeks, they were "more precious than gold" and many cultures associated figs with fertility.

9. Foie Gras

One of the most luxurious foods, controversial foie gras is expensive, decadent and sought the world over. Like diamonds, furs and Champagne, it is associated with fine living, and both its buttery texture and mythical status are sure to put you in a sexy mood. See what Gayot readers have to say about foie gras.

10. Oysters

These mouthwatering mollusks are the classic aphrodisiac. And, there's research to support it: raw oysters are very high in zinc, which raises sperm and testosterone production, thus increasing libido. Like some fish, oysters contain omega-3 fatty acids, considered to increase one's overall well-being and even fight depression. They are also a source of dopamine. No wonder Casanova ate 50 raw oysters every day.

what are you waiting for? try it!

cheers =) 

Friday, December 7, 2012

He Is the Right One - You Respect One Another

When it comes to figuring out if he is the right one, respect should be at the top of the list. Respect is also something that should go both ways. He should respect you and you should respect him, in turn.
You can tell he respects you when:-

- He is willing to compromise

- He listens to your concerns and feelings

- He notices when something is wrong and asks you about it

- He values your opinion

- He appreciates you

- He is genuinely happy for you when you succeed

easy peasy.....