Monday, December 29, 2008
time for a splendid 2009!
this year i have did a few things that i can't imagine that i would do it. i changed my hair style after 5 years, finally conquered my fear of microphones, performed after stopped for a few years, have more confidence with my body, love my family more, taken things with positive attitude, toured around Malaysia with some really talented bunch, meeting new talented-honest-lovely individuals, actually listen before making decisions, finally making my family (mainly my dad) proud of me, learning new stuff, be more patient, making my dreams come true one step at a time, use less plastic bags, care more on the inviroments, feelng good about myself, support local music, love my country more, took out my braces, financially stable to shop around (-_-) and alot more that i could never think of!
well.... as usual, early in every year, we have our own 'to-do' list just to see what did we accomplished by the end of the years right? i have my own little list i think.. :P when i looked back what i did in 2008, i have accomplished most of my goals and for that, i so pleased of myself. i feel good of myself.
and all my ups, there's also some downs that had happened which one of it includes losing a dear friend, missing a few gigs and of course the ever so famous 'break up'. i should've been kicking and screaming by all this down moments but i didn't, surprisingly i didn't do anything that would hurt myself during this miserable voyage of tragedies. i mean, i would if i wanna but i choose not to just simply because i know, there's always a reason behind it. because of that, i don't complain much about all this to anyone. i rather think positive and continue with my life like what i'm doing right now. :P
i've met many types of people this year and got to learn so much from them. they teach me to Feel, Enjoy, Stay Calm, Happiness, Truth, Believe, Faith and of cause how can i deny LOVE...and for that, i wanna thank everyone for making me a better person. you have indeed touched me in your own individual special ways.
as for year 2009, i just hope that the greatness that's been happening for all this while doesn't end. i love the fact that i can still cope with this enviroment. i wouldn't ask anything else but to be a better person that i can be. we're getting a year older every year and i think that i can still have fun while being a little bit mature at times. because in all 'drama', they are all the ways that God's showing us the real life of good and bad and in the end, we still have the chance to decide who we are, who we were and who we wanna be. i know that life is cruel, and i've fought hard, so hard that inside of me was killing but at the same time i was becoming better. but then again, once you're settle your whole life to the point that you love everything about yourself and others around you, you feel like you're not prepare to let any of the luck or accomplishment to go away just yet, you wanna keep the glory forever. well... like i said before, nothing last forever, everything in life is only 'for now'.
'children keeps growing and river keeps flowing too, i don't know why but somehow or other they do, a hundred million miracles are happening everyday, and those who say they don't agree, are those who did not hear or see'.
so come on people, let's try changing for a start, it doesn't have to be big, just a smile could make such a big impact. let's change one self before we can together make a change to the world. Let's change for the better.
Shahila Johan
Sunday, December 28, 2008
did or didn't do in 2008!reminising of a normal!
a wonderful year fly pass us so quickly......i found this questionaire in facebook and tought.. "why not".......
lost a friend?
~ yea... a dear friend indeed.. R.I.P.... al-fatihah...
stayed single almost the whole year?
~ i wished....
had your heart broken?
~ yes
had a stalker?
~ yea....hahahaaa~
done something you've regretted?
~ yes... very much.. but the outcome..not bad la...
lost someone?
~ again...yes.... Al-Fatihah....
dated a co-worker?
~ no
dated your boss' daughter/son?
~ not working, but if it refers to the productions i've done.....then... no..
got fired from your job?
~ no
cut class?
~ guilty....but for some good reasons... :P
were involved in something you'll never forget?
~ ou yes indeed.
visited a different country?
~yes, my family do it every year and this year..... Bali, Indonesia. :)
cooked a gross meal?
~ i've never cooked a gross meal before... that means i'll fail my culinary subjects. :P
lost something important to you?
~ yes. :'( my dearest bestest friend.
got a gift you adore?
~ i cherished every single gift that was given to me.. so yes... :)
tripped over a coffee table?
~ yes...all the time
dyed your hair?
~ yea...highlighted for the first time ever... :D
went to a party?
~yes.. alot...
read a great book?
~ the secret by rhonda Byrne.... it's my favourite book of all time...
saw one of your favourite bands/artists live?
~ i adore all bands so..yes... local bands can be awesome as well.... :)
saw someone famous in person?
~ part of my job is somehow to meet someone famous..
2008: Your Love Life
Did you break up with anyone?
~ yes
Did you meet anyone special?
~ i met so many amazing individuals...
Do you like someone right now?
~ can't really tell if i'm into that person for his personality or for'm not quite sure...
2008: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year?
~ yes!!! and i'm glad i did!
Did you dislike anyone?
~ i don't hate of dislike others. everyone got their own opinions. :D
Did you make any new enemies?
~ well....i hope not...but if i so sorry...
Did you resolve any fights?
~ i don't think i was involve in any fights....
Resolved friends' fights?
~ well.... i tried....
Who was your closest friend?
~ was? well... he passed away on the 10th of October 2008. Al- Fatihah...
Did you grow apart from anyone?
~ as people grows older, they eventually got to know who's their real friends and foes... and we can't always be there for all of them....
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?
~ i have no regrets at all because for me.... there's always a reason behind this wonderful friendship that we make... :)
2008: Your BIRTHDAY!
Did you have a cake?
~ nope...but lots of donuts and cupcakes... :D
What did you do for your birthday?
~ well... my friend brought me to see a jazz performance and my family brought me to have could i ask for more.... i feel so blessed.... :)
Did you have a party?
~ not really a party but yea....sure...
Did you get any presents?
~ yes.... i cherish it all.....
If so what was the best thing you got?
~ i got everyone i love to celebrate it with me.... :)
2008: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year?
~ everyday is a new day.... i've learned more about the nature, about others and myself... if i said that i've's for the better.....
Did you dye your hair?
~ told u first highlight!!!
Did you get your hair cut?
~yes.... quite a few....i even cut my own hair!
Did you change your style?
~ yes... after 5 years!
Were you in school?
~ no...i'm way over that one... i'm just gonna graduate and continue in some other university...
Did you get good grades?
~ yes! an unexpected 4.0 pointer is the best feeling i'ved ever had!
Did you have a job?
~ yes yes yes indeed i have.... which includes waitressing in Luna Bar, pastry chef in Cafe deli and part time singing and dancing because i got paid doing that as well...yay!!! i love my jobs!
Did you drive?
~well....i do have my driver's licence since i was 17... :P
Did anyone close to you give birth?
~ yes... my sister.... to a beautiful baby girl named Anastasia.....
Did you go on any vacations?
~ yes.. with family and tour with my production so it's kindda like a work vacation...i like it... :P
Would you change anything about yourself now?
~ just to be more positive on things and learn to be more patient...
2008: Wrap Up.Is 2008
a good year?
~ yes.... a wonderful splendid year indeed although some unexpected tragedies happened..
Do you think 2009 will top 2008?
~ shall pray for a great one ahead.... :D
I confess that in 2008 I've
~ did some crazy things but i've changed for the better and to be a better person in life...
stayed single for the whole year
~ i wished....
made out in/on a car
~ nope...
kissed in the snow
~ if there's snow in Malaysia..i would love to do it....
celebrated Halloween
~ nope.. stayed in with my family.. :)
kissed in the rain
~ ou wow...that would be romantic too..... maybe one of these days ei? :P
had your heart broken
~ yes..
broke someone else's heart
~ im so sorry if i did...
mooned someone
~ yes.. guilty... :P
went over the minutes on your cell phone
- yes.
had a good relationship with someone
~ a great relationship with my family and friends.... :)
someone questioned your sexual orientation
~ yes...
came out of the closet
~ yes... i was shy.... :P
gotten pregnant
~ no... i'm not that extreme...
have a relationship with someone you'll never forget
~ i'll never forget any of my friends..
done something you've regretted
~ yes.. a few...
kissed under mistletoe
~ i wished! XD
Shahila Johan
Thursday, December 25, 2008
physical strenght...
have you had this experience before? you walk to a shop and browse the stuffs inside that shop and suddenly a sale-assistant of an opposite sex approach you and started asking you questions, first they'll be like, asking what kind of item are you looking for and the next thing you know, he would be asking for your name and where you live and all.... well....sometimes..these things do happen...
if you look nice and pretty and decent and clean, people would have no problem approaching you, but if you're not that pretty looking but decent enough for the crowd, a glance from a far is good enough. for people that does not blessed with proper physical appearance, do you think that you would approach them? if they smell or extremely short or full of pimples or even simply disabled, do you wanna get near them... if you say yes..... YOU'RE A FREAKING LIAR!!! fine, let's think of a scenario where you're on a blind date and you're suppose to meet your blind date outside a certain restaurant at 8pm sharp, because you don't know how your date would look like, both of you promise to carry a rose so you can regconize your partner. so once you reach there around 7.58pm, you decided not to take out your rose to see how your date would look like before you can actually approach him/her. it's now 8pm and there's a taxi stopped infront of you, the door open and the first thing you see is a rose sticking out of the car, then, one by one the legs touch the ground, and when you could finally see the person's appearance, it turns out to be an old, fat, grumpy looking, long messy hair person wearing faded color t-shirt and torn jeans...and surprisingly, that person is holding a rose and was standing outside a restaurant seems to be waiting for someone, and you tell me if you wanna let that person knows that your the date. would you? darn!stop saying you will..because i know for a fact that you won't. it's human nature. i can't read people's minds but i know how everyone would react. i like looking at people's differents reaction, it's so fascinating somehow.
that's why you can see that women always so cusious about their appearance, how they look, how they dress, how they smell or even how they stand. if you're fat, you still have your face to save you, the hair is an asset for all girls to look their best! what i'm trying to say is that no matter how other people say that they don't judge people on their first meet, the first look says it all.
i'm not trying to look down on those people but wat i really mean is that, be confident with yourself, if you think that you're ugly, then you are ugly. stop saying your fat, short....bla bla.... stand tall and be yourself, do the best you can for yourself and trust yourself. stand infront of the mirror and shout "I'M BEAUTIFUL!!" because it is true when they say 'we are beatiful in every single way and words can't bring me down.'
love your body, don't hurt yourself to be someone you're not. you still have someone who loves you no matter what and that's your family and friends. if you think that you're doomed not to have a soulmate because of you're appearance, think again. wherever you are, there's always someone who's missing your laughter, your voice or even your touch.
one more thing, don't be shy to know what you want. if you want that little something, go ahead and reach it. don't stop half way just because you heard from someone that it's taken, go find out yourself. like i said before, 'if God wants you to let go of something, that's because he wants you to have something better' go ahead and go get it.... better hurry up before it's too late.
Shahila Johan
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
a note on Christmas
i know you might be busy reading Christmas letters and all so i'm gonna make it quick and short (i hope) to make your life so much easier.
i don't wanna ask for anything this year because this year has been the best year of my life and i've got everything that i've always wanted with my own hard work. i mean, i work hard to get where i am right now and i'm comfortable with myself. i was once a shy young person who thinks that this world is so cruel and evil and just wish that i don't have to spend another day here but as i get older, i found meanings, reasons why i should stay calm and go with the flow on everything i do. along the way, i found joy and happiness, hopes and faith, blessing and wishes, but most of all, i've found love. love doesn't mean that i have found my true love but my true love lies in my family, without them, i don't think i can survive alone in this wonderful place. as you may know, i've always wish for their well being and all, well, they don't always happen when i ask, but i know that love is very near and i know that miracles always do happen when i believe in it.
this year has been a wonderful year for me, i can promise you that i was not naughty...well...maybe a little naughty but not as naughty as i used to be, i'm more calm and always think before my actions. most of my actions this year has been positive and it has bring me to what i've always wanted to be. i love my family, my friends, my feelings and my personal thoughts.
yesterday, a couple of my friends meet up for a chat and i was tagged along for a tarot card reading session and i thought 'why not' so i followed them. there, i found peace and everyone was just so wonderful. while waiting for the real session begin, one of my dear friend who did it before try reading my future, more like, what's gonna happen to me in 3 months time. so she did something to the card and took out 2 cards for my future, the oracles are from Isabella and Isaiah and surprisingly, both of the cards says that i've done my purpose this year and it's about time that something goes my way. a love and passion of desire will come my way and that i'm suppose to find true happiness in 3 months time. so i'll just get my finger crossed la. i hope that the true happiness that i'm gonna find is something i'ved always longed for. :P
well....the real seesion begins and a lady asking my past, presents and future to the healing oracles of angels. she was passing her energy to all the cards and chanting something and asked my name. we sat on the floor and she told me to focus so i did. she then took the cards one by one placing it infront of me, the first is my past and it shows 'retreat', the second card that shows my present is 'music' and the last card for my future shows 'serenity'. by that, i don't think i wanna know what that means because i think i do know a little bit from the past of retreat and the present of music. but the future of serenity? maybe when my friend first read my future in 3 months time that i'll find my true happiness and with that i will eventually get my serenity. yea... maybe that! yay!i'm not hoping for anything to happen within this 3 months but if it does, well, it would be splendid! so i guess anything can happen in this 3 months right? maybe it's today or tomorrow or the day after or end of this year or new year or next month or maybe even the month after. well....i'll just let faith to do that it has to do.
well Santa, what i really wanted to say is that all i want for christmas this year is my true happiness. :) it doesn't have to come in a package or anything but to love and be loved in return is wonderful enough.
thank you Santa, may you have wonderful christmas and have a save journey around the world spreading your joy and happiness to the world and at the same time enjoy the milk and cookies that we leave you infront of the fire place. and if you have any tooth-ache after having all those milk and cookies, mom's a dentist! :P or we can even share some cookies as well!!!i love chocolate chips chocolate cookies just like you!
Shahila Johan
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
a bakery with a mission...

Friday, December 19, 2008
a coincidence reunion to remember....
it was 8.30pm and we were there... a beautiful luxury condo in Bangsar, decorated with colourful ballons inside out. i was walking nervously infront of their door because i know that once i get in, i have to say hi to everyone...including those who i've never met in my entire life... i took a breath, and just walk in. 3 steps walking in just looking down on the floor trying hard not to make eye contact to anyone at all but then suddenly someone called my name with this unique high tone that is so familiar to me and my head just instantly rose up. she was there, seating at the coffee table with a fork on her left hand and a spoon on her right, looking towards me, smiling beautifully at me with those huge sparkled eyes, with hair tied back.
it was her, the person that taught me everything i know about singing and breathing technique and how to read musical notes and all. the person that never fails to force me to do better because she believed in me. she was indeed, my lecturer, Ms. Syafinaz.
when our eyes met, the first thing that came in my head was 'shit!' but i was so happy to see her, so i walked slowly towards her and greet her like a lost student who finally found her favourite lecturer. "how long has it been? how are you? what are you doing now?" are the questions that came out from the mouth... i answered her about everything. "yes, i read the newspaper the other day and saw some article about you, I'm so proud of you right now" is all she said to me....
getting to know that someone you can't pleased to be pleased with yourself is like your buying an ice cream cone with 1 scoop of ice cream but the ice cream gave another scoop for free... that's how i feel. after greeting her, i went and greet the other family members of mine and get on with our own thing.
1hour has past and someone was saying, "let Syafinaz play the piano! and her student can sing!"...i almost choked at my own water. of cause, being a good sport, Syafinaz sat infront of the piano and played two songs, 'smoke get in your eyes' and 'stranger in the night' beautifully...we were all amazed by her soprano voice. and then the moment came, she called me to sing, the first song i sang was 'angel'...i started soft because i was scared that she would judge me like she did with all the contastants in the reality show ONE IN A MILLION, but eventually, she didn't and she even flipped the music book to find another song for me to sing but this time i sang with my sisters, she palyed 'beautiful' and we sang but this time i didn't hesitate at all! yay! and last, she played 'a moment like this' and we sang together. i must say, she is so talented and i'm so proud that she was one of my vocal coach.

Shahila Johan
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
the cronicle!
my friend once said, "if you're telling the truth, what are u afraid of?".... she's so right on this...i mean, you should be afraid if you lied to someone, because in the end, they'll find out why trouble yourself lying? you did a what?everyone does that...i do that too! if you think that you can get away from everything, you are so wrong.....eventually.. :)
how can you hate the person who is your friend for a long time just because he is side with the opposition from you? it's not anybody's fault for siding whoever's side right? although we might know who is right and who is wrong, you shouldn't just let go of something you had for a long time... friendship! what i've learned from friendship is that..... no matter how ugly the situation is, or how your friend doesn't help you in your own problems for some reason, it doesn't mean that you should just end your friendship just like that.... it just sound so 5 year olds... we all might have different opinions....we might hate each other's football team, but in the end.....we still live in this place called earth.... and one thing that brings us closer...friendship! tell me, how many times have u fought with your best mates? plenty right? and you guys still make it all up, although it might take some times, you still make up! so never say that he/she's your ex-friend or no longer friends anymore because as you guys get older, you might laugh at yourself or blame yourself for letting go something so precious.... just think about it! :)
if someone is nice, i don't think you should take advantage on him/her because one day, she might crack herself and will never be the nice person she was before...she might looked innocent, nerdy and virgin mary type but deep down...i think she's more than that......she can be fun to be with or make fun to but...everyone got their own feelings right? we all whats the fun of hurting other people's feeling? you tell me? it might be just for laugh at first, but when you get carried away, i don't think it's a laughing matter anymore.... one phrase i found 'One question haunts and hurts,too much to mention:Was I really seeking good or just seeking attention?Is that all good deeds are, when looked at with an ice-cold eye?If that's all good deeds are, maybe that's the reason why...I promise no good deed will I attempt to do again, ever again!No good deed will I do again!' i know it's kindda harsh but it's true isn't it?'s just my opinion anyways...... feel free to speak your mind!
Shahila Johan
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
another birthday went by... every other birthdays....there's always a cute birthday speech right?so yea...i think i wanna make a speeach la...not a long one....just a simple thank u speech...
first and foremost, bismillahirahmannirahim, my family.... my dad, Mr. Johan Ariffin b. Zainal Abiddin for believing in me and letting me persue my dreams and never gave up on me on my toughest time in my life...i love u dearly and yes, u are my true hero and one can replace my dad.... my mom, Pn. Zainah bt. Mohd Zain, for bringing me into this world and sharing everything u know about life with me and teaching me to be a better person and to be nice with everyone around me.... i love u mama.....i shall always be with u..... my step parents Dr. Noorliza Ibrahim and Captain Abbas, thank u for making both of my parents happy and being there for them when they are in need....and thank u for accepting me as ur own child and love me and my sisters as ur owns...i appreciate it really..... to my sisters, step-sisters and step-brother, Fathiha, Johanna, Lisa, Juliana, Zelda, Azman, Alyssa, Mariam and Haya.....thanks for being there as a family would and the bond that brings us closer.... to all my other family members (grandparents, uncles, aunties and cousins)....we're still a family no matter what....
my teachers, lecturers and mentors....thank u for teaching me how to do my best in everything i do and never gave up on me and my studies although i ever listen much in class... XP
to all my wonderful friends.....thank u for being there for me all the time....killing my boredom...helping me with my work and studies.... being a good ear and shoulder to cry on....the fun times we had spent'll be in my heart forever......i'll cherish it forever.....i would mention the names of all my friends one by one but that mean's my speech gonna be to all my friends (u know who u are)....i LOVE all of u..u guys are special in ur own ways....everyone is such a wonderful individuals.
ou wow!that's like...the shortest speech ever...heheheee~
well.....done with the thank u is for the wishing list... XP .... yea...i know its unnecessary but then again..this is the only time that i can make it right?hehehhee~ wish list....
1) that my family bond will never be broken...i love my family too much...
2) that our friendship all forever no matter no long that we've not met....
3) that human stop polluting and start make a different in this world...say no to plastic bag, do not litter, use less electricity, stop illegal lodging and all the other stuff that can harm the world that we live in.
4) stop child abuse....they didn't ask to be born, so why should they learn of war or pain?
5) stop domestic violent...did love started before domestic?why can we just keep the love that we had?
6) stop animal matter what it is...animals are also living creatures that lives here on earth...
7) make love..not war...lets just make this world a better place for the next step at a a hero....
8) for my friends to stop smoking....just for a day atleast...on my birthday maybe?
9) just being with family and friends is enough for me on my birthday...
10) fine...i wish for a new digital camera, baskin robin's ice cream cake, a big bag of M&Ms, a SUB jaket i saw in One Utama, pizzas, dresses and shoes...hehehee~ ou one more wish...i need a boyfriend....hahhahaa~kidding.... :P
anyways..... sorry for blabbering on stuff...:P i mean...i dunno what else to type anymore...just that we grow older...everything has to be change to suit with the upcoming lifestyle....if we can just make a different, a good different, i reckon we can make this world a better place for everyone.....
Shahila Johan
Thursday, November 27, 2008
friends and foes
not matter how bad the situation is, u would still want to tbe the person that make peace for them and be a team again. it's hard isn't it?to think that they are not grown up and think wisely on what actions they've made. i'm not saying that they are grown up or anything..i mean, i'm still growing up and make alot of mistake myself, but all i think is that..... what i meant to say is that instead of fighting, can't we just talk it over? i know there will be some arguement and all but in the end, u'll eventually hug each other and just forgive each other. i know it's easy to forgive rather than forgetting but when time passes by, u'll forget it anyway. somehow, i got that alot...
to think that i can be a peace maker is not really an option coz both will come running to u when they needed someone and u'll try to make the best out of urself and be a friend to them and hope that one day they'll do the same thing for u.....well i hope that they can still remember it..hehehee~
i've learned not to hate, because i used to hate everything and i've forgotten the most important thing in life...which is....LOVE! so people, just love, and u will be loved. i love that feeling of being loved, it might be hard to find at first, but onceu got it, u'll never wanna let go of that feeling. so be nice to everyone, that includes those who's not really that close to u. because to me, it's easier to be nice rather than thinking of ways to destroy some other people's life...
anyways...i can't really think straight right now coz it's 2.10am and i got some stuff bothering think about my future and past mistakes.....i don't wanna make the same mistake all over again...i did it twice, just hope that the 3rd one's a charm....i hope...i would wait forever to this moment and don't wanna rush scared but i know i have to face it.. :)
so.........untill next time.......
friends are forever.....
like my friend once said a friend is like the needle of a clock, though we are at the same clock, we are not able to meet, and even if we meet, it'll only be a few second...but somehow,we always stay connected.
GOD is always playing chess with each of us. He make moves in our life and then just sit back to see how we react to the challenges. SO MAKE THE BEST MOVE!
Shahila Johan
Thursday, November 20, 2008
to papa with love....
my dad has always been the hero in my heart, i don't think anyone else can be the hero that he is to me because he's always there, not only for me, but for all of his daughters, no matter how bad the damage is, he's always there to help us pull through. he is the hero of my heart because, i don't think anyone can manage to raise 6 wonderful girls in one house right? he did it without a doubt is he is the man of steel! he raise us to be strong, firm and at the same time gentle to one another.
visited him for awhile during visiting hour, he looked so pale and weak, i makes me wanna cry, but i can't show it infront of him. i have to be strong. before i leave, we shook hands, and then for the 1st time ever, right after i kissed his hand and his cheek, he kissed my cheek back and i feel.... WOW! for the 1st time that i know....he's not the person that would do that but he did me.... i the car..
when i think about him being in the hospital alone, i just feel like crying again because i just don't like the fact that he's there at all... he's suppose to be the one that worries about he's daughters and do everything he can to cheer us up but now that he's there alone, it makes me scared, for him.... i imagine alot of possible things that might happen in the hospital while he's there but i try not to, i mean, i wanna be there to take care of him, i don't want the nurse to take care of him, that's my job!!!!NOT URS!!! :'(
well, right now, in the house, i have to fully take in charge of every situation because i'm the oldest since my eldest moved out 2 weeks ago and i'm responssible for any damaged caused by any one of my sisters or anything happen to my sisters. i hope i can do it, i know i can, i just need a little bit of guidence.
to papa, get well soon, i'll visit u everyday until u're back at home, i will do everything i can to help u out in the house while u rest at the hospital. i know i'm not a perfect daughter to u all this time and that i've never really care much about this family when i was a teenager, but i promise u, after what happened today, i will not let u down, everything i do that got ur blessings, i will do my best and make u proud. i promise i won't break down and cry after this, i shall be strong and face the challenges that's been thrown at me.
i love u so much papa, i've said this a million times but i'm gonna say it again and i'll never stop saying it with all my heart..... i LOVE u papa...
Shahila Johan
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
since we can't complaint, i guess it's best that we make it positive...somehow.... i mean, i have the pain feeling but i got people that's always there for me and i'm really thankful for that... but somehow, i miss my dear bestfriend. i still can't believe that's he's gone, i know, i did try to forget about him but somehow, when my friends talking about their bestfriends, it makes me miss him more and i always cope it in my heart, i feel like crying, i just wanna stop thinking about him, but i can't. i love him too much to let him go while i'm stuck here moping alone. this love that i have for him is more than a bestfriend-family-friends kindda love, but it's more of a would-die-for, winning-the-world-cup, over-the-moon kindda love. the love that can't be found anywhere else, it' true that i would die for him, i would do anything to make him happy. the real love that i don't think i have for my ex-boyfriends. this is much too strong. and i'm afraid because of this, i might not love my future 'soulmate' like i love him.
of coz i don't want that, i wanna feel the love that i had for him, the love that i would make him cherish and i will make him the happiest man alive, i may not be the perfect person thats gonna fulfill every requirement but i know that i have to always respect and love my future 'soulmate' like i've never had. since i've only had 2 boyfriends before this, so i promise myself that on this 3rd one, i shall promise to myself that i will give my all to him and that i will be the best soulmate for him as well.
i don't know if it's gonna be soon or later that i'm gonna go back into this relationship thing, but then again, if that special someone just walk up to me and make me the happiest person in this world, i will cherish it with all my heart like what i've did to everyone that i've ever loved!
Half the world's awake
Half can hear their hearts beat
Half just hear them break
I am but a traveler, in most every way
Ask me what you know
What a journey it has been
And the end is not in sight
But the stars are out tonight
And they're bound to guide my way
When they're shining on my life
I can see a better day
I won't let the darkness in,
What a journey it has been.
I have been to sorrow
I have been to bliss
Where I'll be tomorrow,
I can only guess
Through the darkest desert
Through the deepest snow,
Forward always forward, I go..
What a journey it has been
And the end is not in sight
But the stars are out tonight
And they're bound to guide my way
When they're shining on my life
I can see a better day
I won't let the darkness in,
What a journey it has been...
Forward, always forward...
Onward, always up...
Catching every drop of hope
In my empty cup
What a journey it has been
And the end is not in sight
But the stars are out tonight
And they're bound to guide my way
When they're shining on my life
I can see a better day
I won't let the darkness in,
What a journey it has been.
Shahila Johan
Thursday, November 13, 2008
the term of exploding....
i mean, come on, if you got something against me, come and tell me straight la, u don't have to go and get close to my younger sisters and my dad with the reason "trying to get close" to me because i've been "avoiding" u... don't u have any other thing to do? what did i do to make u wanna get close to me so badly? i know that i sure did not cast any spell on anyone or anything......GOD!
everyone can get close to me, but please, don't lie and just be urself... look at all my friends...they're my friends coz they are themselves and not fake.
and no matter how u wanna get close to me by my sisters or my dad, i just wanna tell u that they will be on my side and not yours! although i was once not the best child in the family but atleast i'm trying my best to get close to them and i swear to God if u do anything to harm any of us in any way...any way at all............. i will never let u go until i have my revenge....somehow...anyhow!just to make sure ur life is gonna be a total Hell on earth...
i may good like a goodie goodie girl who alot of people wanna take advantage of....but i can tell u that i can be MORE than that..... i'm not treatening or anything, but i swear that i will do something if u come near me or my family....
it's between me and u...stop harassing my friends as well....
ou snap!!!i think i've lost it....i just wanna get that out of my chest...hehheee~ it's been in me for quite some times already...i think by typing that, i feel a sudden relieve in my mind.... ^_^
im so sorry to everyone who's reading this post.... it's nothing really...i just wanna let it go...
ok..i'm good now......but i wanna write something really random now....
when you found your soulmate, just make sure that the person you're with is actually add the happiness in your life and not sadness and sorrow.....and miserable time.....(you've been through it, you should know)..
if you shed a tear because of that particular person, then you should re-think about him/her on being your soulmate.
this lyric i wrote is about something that happens to me in some part of my's called 'wondered'...
I don't know
If it a lie
So many great words
That I've heard from you
But something is missing
Something that completes the puzzle
The mysteries of my life
Why does it always a reason
That makes me wondered
A reason to live
A lie to make me feel better
Makes me feel alive
Although I am dying inside
When everything seems wrong
It's just isn't right for me
Why should I be clueless?
Never know the truth
You think it might hurt me
The pain of lie hurts more
My heart is bleeding
With the blade of lies in time
Killing me inside out
Forever like a moment
A moment is never forever
The wound might heal soon
Dry out without love and emptiness
No sympathy without crimes
Crying out the pain that once gone
Praying for a second chance
Growing make us wise
And as we go our way
Wonder where the road leads us
Shall hold it in our heart
An eye to keep me straight
Guide me to the grace
A heart to keep me going
To the broken road ahead that's gone
And life will be kind
And our soul will find another soul to love
The faith will keep me safe
The truth will never stop us
From knowing what's right
And by learning to love and forgive
But never forget the things we've been through
Shahila Johan
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
the music of my heart....
u know the feeling when somebody's writting poem or a makes u wanna write as well....but u just got no inspiration at all???
yea..i got that problem..but then of my dear friend (thanks Joe) told me to just fantasize and just write doesn't have to be reality or anything...but when you dream of something but just have to imagine and everything will come in place...
well, that's what i've been doing and still can't get the what i did is that i write something that i like most in my life (other than my family and my friends), MUSIC. it's kinda hard but i think i pulled it off somehow...
it might not sound good or anything....i mean...this is my 1st attempt after 3-4 years of not writting (darn i feel old)... so bear in mind that this might not be as good as all those professional writter that's been writting their whole life..i mean, i'm not a writter.... im just a low life chef-in-the-making, freelance performer who needs a job to support my future... :) here goes.... the title of my poem-song is called 'the music of my heart'....
yea i know it sounds like N'sync and Gloria Estefan's song from the movie with the same name as well.....darn... ok ok.... move on with the main part of this post.........
The melody of my soul
The song that keeps me away from the dark
The fire that kept me away from cold
The masterpiece and work of art
The lyric that I long to hear
The things that completes before I start
The symphony that calms my fear
That’s the music of my heart
Being so good to hear the song I could hardly stand it
Everything goes like planned and hold that thought while I get candid
Like a beautiful guitar strum the cord of mercy
Breathe life into me, restore my soul completely
I’m out of tune at some parts; I have some string need of mending
I know I can do better, for you can help me sing
Write a tune upon my heart
The instruments will never be apart
I’m captivated and my heart elated
Everything in this world will not be tormented
Every single line’s full of love divine
Write to me like a valentine
With the tune my heart won’t sigh
With the sound my heart won’t cry
With the cord that knows where the road goes
With the words that make your love grows
The song that’s being written
Is all about the journey that I’ve learned
Being truth to yourself and being grateful
For all the things that’s been done and being thankful
And I think it’s telling me it might be you
And that I should just be with you
And listen to the music that’s being played again
The unfamiliar strain from way back when
And while the song still brings that certain glow
And the words still sing of love I know
Every note and every line
It's always been a favourite song of mine
yea..i know it sounds cheesy and all... and it's not like the one i wrote a few years ago but..... i did my best and i hope you like it...
Shahila Johan
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Sorry seems to be the hardest word!
also, NOT saying 'sorry' too has become a morm these days, i know of someone who had caused me in a grievious pain through his/her words and action a couple of times. being the straight in your face type, when i confronted him/her, he/she only managed to utter a barely there, 'NOOOOO'.
what was that suppose to mean? perhaps it's 'sorry' in his/her language but i honestly think NOT, i guess sorry seems to be the hardest word to say.
we are quickly to say sorry when we accidentally kick someone's leg or hit an arm or bump into someone in the crowd. then we smile at each other and vaporise into the milling crowd going about our own bussiness. but if a relationship was formed, not to mention friendship, partnership or ancentral, we don't easily forget or forgive. we suffer in silence, sometimes complaining to all how injustice was done upon us.
it was heartening when the newly elected Australian Prime Minister Kein Rudd (yes, i do read the newspaper) made a public apology to the aborigines especially to the Stolen Generation- the families that was broken up by state decree for their children to be assimilated into mainstream society. the deep sense of humanity in acknowledging the unspeakable emotional suffering of the victims all this time.
although such an apology was late in coming, nevertheless, it still brought tears flow freely that day. hearts were touched. one oborigine lady remarked "it took so long for us to hear this, and now it is over. we have to move on with our lives".
beautifully said, indeed. it was admirable to accept the wrongs done and the courage to express remorse.
apologies must come from the very core of our hearts. the word 'sorry' is not so cheap after all.....
Shahila Johan
Friday, November 7, 2008
trying to hide but can't...
for the 1st time ever, i have to admit that i need my own inspiration, guidance and my own comfort... i know that i have all that through mostly by my family and by my friends, but at times, i wish i could be one myself.. i mean by having my own inspiration, that 'something' that can lift me up to a new beginning, the reason for me to stay awake and make a difference in my life or even inspire others to make a difference in their life. ou how i wish i could do that... but then again, i think i should just take one step at a time.
i noticed that life is about changing, not stick to one thing forever or all the time. but then again, once you found the perfect 'thing' that you're looking for, it's better that you cherish it and never let it go no matter how bad the situation it might be... although some other things might be better than what you have, you should not just let it go for something new, that something new might not be as perfect as you expected, and then you may want back you old thing but somehow it's not there for you anymore. this specific "thing" can be apply to everything you can think of. like your shoes, clothes, pets, relationships and even lifes.
we all have something to be regret of right? i do, i have some unpleasent things to be regret of and i hope that i won't that silly simple mistakes ever again.. life is about exploring what you can in this world, it doesn't have to be something stupid (like what they are doing in 'jackass the movie') or anything but to try something new.. so if you don't think you can dance, go ahead and make a fool of yourself, you'll never know if you're a better dancer that you think you are. some say "don't let other people judge you, let you judge yourself..".. well i say "come on, some things are mend to be judge by others... well.... atleast to give you a piece of mind on what your good at..." and what other way but to let your family (espeacially your parents) to judge you, they will give full support on what you are good at. there's where you'll find out what you're really good at, and then you stick to it.
i know i'm writting craps right now but then again, i have to get some stuff out of my head so i have to write something right?
so just stop thinking about all the stress that you're having and just let it go.... i think i'm feeling better now that it's all over (i hope it's forever). i just wanna think about what i'm about to do later and tomorrow and the day after day and next year and my future.i can't predict my future but right now if i start doing things positively, i think i might just have a better future ahead.
so to everyone else, i love you guys, never let one thing, one thought destroy your whole life and your future... you are so much better than you think you are.... trust me!
Shahila Johan
Thursday, November 6, 2008
life goes on.....
i know you can't describe what it feels like when you're in a relationship (well, i know i can't), you feel over the moon, like your life begins and everything that matters just dissapears and like you dare to take the risk of anything that was given to you. i had that feelings before so i think i might know how every other person in the world would feel....
i mean, i loved, was loved, heartbroken and all but when i think about it again, everytime i have a problem with my ex, i always turned to my friends and family. they may not know much about my and my ex relationship but they always find a way to cheer me up, in what ever way they can, and im really thankful for all that..i really am...
in life, we have to take whatever risks that is thrown at us, but don't think of it as a risk.....think of it like a life experience that everyone has to go through before you find out what's gonna happen with your life... you may have to get hurt in order to learn from your mistake and take what's best for you in the future.
never think that you're life suck UNLESS you don't have a family, friends, a place to stay or the knowledge of anything at all... without that.....'re life sucked big time.... but then again... without all that, you can still make the best out of yourself!
like me, i've always hated myself, i always thought that i was alone in the world, my family doesn't support what i do, i'm not pretty that everyone hates me, i was so dumb that i can't get anything right....and the list goes on......and because of that, i think that's why i had a really terrible childhood and teenage years...but somehow, i snapped out of it already...... i learned to appreciate what i have and thank God for all the lovely people that supported me through out, mainly my family... i never knew all that until i realized it by 'opening' my eyes. and with that.. i love al of them so much.... so just be thankful with what you have....
well, in relationship should be like that as well, thank God for the wonderful person you're with and always find a reason to be with them even though it's anly for awhile, always be considerate and understanding...... when you see your love ones, just go to them and greet him/her with a kiss even before you start a conversation. hold him/her tight and don't let go. never make promises you can't keep and the most important thing is, TRUST your partner because without it... i don't think you can go far.... trust, is the main key of a relationship!
so, if you're not in a relationship, don't get bumped out about it, this is the chance to hang-out with your friends more, be at home with your family more and this is the time that you should do what you've always wanted to do... ^_^
i've wrote this song before in one of my blog entry but i think i should write it down again just to show you guys roughly what to be thankful for.... i know i am..... i wrote it when i was 16 so it's abit bear with me-LAH!
how could i ask for more....
there's nothing like a warm of a summer afternoon
Waking throught he sunlight, and being cradled by the moon
catching fireflies at night, building castles in the sand
kissing mama's face goodnight and holding daddy's hand
Thank could i ask for more....
running bare foot throught he grass, a little hide-and-go-seek
being so in love you can hardly eat
dancing in the dark, when there's no one else around
being bundled beneath the covers, watching rain falls to the ground
Thank could i ask for more....
so many things i've thought would bring me happiness
some dreams that are realities today
such an irony the things that means the most to me
are the memories that i've made along the way
so if there's anything i've learned from this journey i am on
simple truth will keep you going, simple love will keep you strong
coz there are questions without anwers, flames that never dies
heartache we go through are often blessings in disguise
so Thank You.....
Thank You.....How could i ask....for more...
Shahila Johan
Monday, November 3, 2008
a new birth.....a new life...
i turn off my laptop and ran down through the kitchen door to the back of my house (coz there's where my dad put the cage)... and what i saw for the next 2hours was a miracle + painful experience..well...for the cat atleast..... Princess, the name that my youngest sister gave to her cat was really active and strong and we never thought that it would give birth to 3 wonderful new kittens and i can assure you that this won't be the last of it too... *wink wink*....hehheeee~
i would take some birth giving shoots but it was dark and we don't wanna scare the cat with the camera's flash so we decided not to take any photograph until the next morning...which is today la.........
it's a miracle how birth can give lifes and joy to some but some still have the guts to kill it by doing abortions and stuff... its so unfair because the infants wanna life their lifes too..although they can't think now, they still can feel and experience pain when some people thinks that they don't deserves to live. everyone deserve a chance on living. just for the seck of experience and to feel what it's like living in a place called earth. if we could just stop these cruelty, i think that we might actually live in a perfect world.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
at the term of breaking.....
well.....i'm feeling that way now. it's not because of anything mind you.... it's just a process of life i guess. i mean, everyone have to have that feeling eventually... like they say, nobody's perfect...not even the Queen herself. but i'm still trying, trying be more mature about life, being more open to others and taking risk when i have the chance.
not everyone had a perfect life...mine isn't all that perfect as well... but i do try and make the best out of everything, somehow.
today was suppose to be the same, i didn't do much today and was planning of my day for tomorrow and when someone suddenly making excuses to avoid something and you know that they are lying, it just somehow pisses you off.... well, i'm trying not to get pissed off... but somehow, my evil feeling is taking over me and i got's not good..seriously...i don't get mad easily...
so what i did was i meditate and put my thought into something else... i think about all the good things that had happened in my life and the things that are coming my way.
is it just me or i'm 'blapping' about goodie goodie thing? darn!!!sorry...
i just have to say, tackle life with all your skills to overcome each and every hills, if you persist with all your will, you'll enjoy life and it's thrill, so just chill........
Shahila Johan
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
my secret!heheheeee~
i mean, if you're close to someone for a really long time, you somehow would eventually get this feeling like you just wanna spend your lifetime with him and no one else but he just doesn't have the same feeling like what you have. i don't think i could escape from that feeling, i don't want to fall in love with someone who doesn't know me well, that's why i prefer making friends than having a relationship that's more than that.
but this friend of mine passed away, and it's almost a month now and i still can't forget him at all, he's always on my mine, either i'm alone or with my friends, if i suddenly kept quiet, it's just because it somehow remind me of him. but!i'm not sad or anything, i just think about all the funny and crazy stuff that we did together and it's all fine and that's how i still have my smiling face. but also because of this, he may never know how i really feel. but than again.... I'm glad..
I've known you for so long
You are a friend of mine
But is this all we'd ever be?
I've loved you ever since
You are a friend of mine
And babe is this all we ever could be?
You tell me things I've never known
I shown you love you've never shown
But then again, when you cry
I'm always at your side
You tell me 'bout the love you've had
I listen very eagerly
But deep inside you'll never see
This feeling of emptiness
It makes me feel sad
But then again
I'm glad
I've known you all my life
You are a friend of mine
I know this is how it's gonna be
I've loved you then and I love you still
You're a friend of mine
Now, I know friends are all we ever could be
You tell me things I've never known
I shown you love you've never shown
But then again, when you cry
I'm always at your side
You tell me 'bout the love you've had
I listen very eagerly
But deep inside you'll never see
This feeling of emptiness
It makes me feel sad
But then again
Then again
Then again
I'm glad
Shahila Johan
Monday, October 27, 2008
workskop in KK, sabah...

Shahila Johan
Sunday, October 19, 2008
the final trip of 'Broadway parodies lagi lah'.

as many might have know, i like to keep myself busy with everything i can think of so i won't waste any of the time i have and for the past few months, i've been busy rehearsing and performed in KL, Ipoh, Penang and johore and next thursday, i'll be performing with (again) the talented casts of 'Broadway parodies lagi lah!'.
the amazing journey have brougth us together like a whole new big family and i love all of them in their own ways.
well, our last stop is going to be in Sabah.
Day/Date: Saturday 25 October 2008
Matinee Show : 03:00 PM
Evening Show : 08:30 PM
Venue : Universiti Malaysia Sabah's Recital Hall
For tickets please contact
1) Thomas Ho (016-8101787)
2) Dr Kheng (088-267000)
3) SPArKS (088-222939)
4) Margaret Lau (012-8026282)
5) Glenda Liew (016-8307366)BPLL National Tour (Sabah) is proudly sponsored by The Lions Club Kota Kinabalu Sutera
for more information, you can always go to
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
in the loving memory.....
he was Malay-Japanese-Javanise while im the Malay-chinese javanise-dutch....he was born on the same year, same month but not on the same date with me, he was born 5 days after my birth day... and fromt that day on, we do everything together, we talk, laugh, play and even showered together (when we were babies la....)...we even got ourselves sick together so we can skip school together. he is more than a friend to me, he is like a brother, that protected me from bullies (i was a tomboy back then), shelter me from harm, lift me up when i was down and would do anything just to make me smile.... and i promised him that i'd do anything to make him happy... never to see him shed a tear, being with him all the time so he won't be lonely and would even take care of him when he's sick. but now...i still can't believe that he's gone...for good...
'for good'....the song from the musical 'wicked' was our theme song together...he'll always sing Glenda's part and i'm Elphaba.... everytime i hear it now, i can't help myself but to cry alone, because i do really love him, with all my heart, he's the one guy that i'll ever trusted, he is the perfect gentleman, the ideal guy that's every girl's dream..... just spend 5 minutes with him and you'll understand what i mean, his touch is so gentle that it would make your heart sink... he is so loyal and caring that no one can take his place in my heart.
i still can't believe that he left me just like that, without saying goodbye, without letting me tell him how i really feel about him, the feeling that i have will only remain in my heart, for the truth cannot be spoken anymore.
why wasn't i there for him when he was sick??? how can i enjoy my life while he's lying on the hospital bed, coma.... just thinking about me not being there for the last for him is the most sinful thing that anyone has ever committed. i promised him that i'll be there for him no matter what, but i'm on tour for my show and negleted him for a week, and just like that, he's gone from my life forever. i'll never get the chance to see his laugh when he makes his own jokes, i'll never get to take a ride with him anymore and i'll never get the chance to tell him that i love him.
it makes me cry everytime that someone reminds me of him, the song, the shirt, the colors, the food, the drinks, the smile and the laughter. words cannot describe how i feel right now.
but Rieffy bear, i'll never forget you. no matter how hard it has been for us, we've made it's us, only us, we've made our dreams alive. just like the song.... because i knew you, i have been change....for good.....
this is for you...
I'm limited
Just look at me - I'm limited
And just look at you -You can do all I couldn't do, Glinda
So now it's up to you
(spoken) For both of us
(sung) Now it's up to you
I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let themAnd we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you
Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sunLike a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good
It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with meLike a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend
Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
Because I knew you
I have been changed for good
And just to clear the air
I ask forgiveness
For the things I've done you blame me for
But then, I guess we know
There's blame to share
And none of it seems to matter anymore
Like a comet pulled (Like a ship blown)From orbit as it (Off it's mooring)Passes a sun, like (By a wind off the) A stream that meets (Sea, like a seed) A boulder, half-way (Dropped by a)Through the wood (Bird in the wood)
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
I do believe I have been changed for the better?
And because I knew you
Because I knew you
Because I knew you
I have been changed.......
for good.
i don't think its proper to put a picture of him because he's a dear friend to me and i want him to rest in peace.... may your soul is blessed.
Shahila Johan
Monday, October 13, 2008
animals right....
Friday, October 3, 2008
how could i ask for more....
Just because you breakup with somebody, doesn't mean you have to mope around all day,week or even years and let the world sympathize you. and then you think that you're doomed never to have a relationship for all your life….WTF!!!so what if your not in a relationship right now??this is the time when you should STOP moping alone and start working with your life…hang out with your friends…go watch a movie…go read a book…or better yet…go find somebody and stop condemning ur partner for God's sakes..
YES it is true that you need a partner in life…but when you think about it (if ur under 25)don't you think that your still young??aren't young people suppose to feel nothing but free, young and happy??and not stress, confused and crappy???
For me..i have been through all that despite dat I m only 22(well almost..atleast its December..)….i have been through sorrows and even blists…I've been through the happiest days of my life to the worst day of my life…I've tried not to be myself just to pleased others …I've been crushed like a rock by the person whom I thought was 'THE ONE'…I've always thought that everyne (including my family, sorry...) hated me and is trying to put me down…lots of people I trusted had backstab me a lot….been teased at because of my physical size……being lonely all the time….the list could go on forever!!!!but I should stop…hehe…
Well..anyways…when I think about it again…I forgot all the wonderful things I've done too…I've scored in my exams…I was lucky to win some sports medals… someone likes me..someone loved me…I've been in love before that I couldn't breath….I've conquered mount santubung….i have a wonderful family who has been supporting me through out my days and still is…my true friends who's always there when I need them…music that eases my my pain….performed infront of atleast 10,000 audiences before and proud of it… to perform infront of our King and PM…got some insparations to write my own songs…..lucky to still have money in the bank…hehe…..lucky the have touched some people hearts (in a way..)….lucky 2 have YOU to read my blog…hehe….just to think about it again….i have a lot more to be thankful about…don't you think so too?????
All I wanted say is that, instead of thinking 'what a lousy day I had'…why don't you think about 'today, I met a cute guy'…or 'thank gosh I passed my exams'….or even 'YES!!!i've lost 2 kgs'….when you think about it…the SECRET not to think ur life sucks is simply wake up with a smile and think about one wonderful thing that you'er gonna do doesn't have to be big… u can start with…'today…I should change my hair style..' or 'today…maybe I should say hello to the cute guy..(wink* wink*)'…or 'today, I'm not gonna stop think about my weight for awhile and eat as much as I want'….
I have wrote so many poetry and songs lyrics and it has helped me relax all the time…ITS TRUE!! and I've tried writing it in BM but I can't seem to do it well…or I'll write something really odd…so I guess I should just stick to english for now..but that doesn't mean that I will not write in BM in the future…I've promised myself somehow I will try..hehe…just..not so soon la….In da mean time….i leave you with somethng I would like to share… read on if u may…hehehe….
There nothing like the warm of a summer afternoon
Waking through the sunlight and being cradled by the moon.
Catching fireflies at night, building castles in the sand
Kissing mama's face goodnight and holding daddy's hand…
Thank could I ask for more…
Running barefoot through the grass, a little hide and go seek
Being so in love you can hardly eat.
Dancing in the dark, when there's no one else around
Being bundled 'neath the covers and watching rain falls to the ground…
Thank could I ask for more…
So many things I thought would bring me happiness
Some dreams that are realities today.
Such an irony the things that means the most to me
Are the memories that I've made along the way…
So if there's anything I've learned from this journey I am on
Simple truth will keep you going, simple love will keep you strong.
There are questions without answers and flames that never dies
Heartaches we go through are often blessings in disguise…
So thank you…how could I ask for more…
Shahila Johan
Thursday, October 2, 2008
the journey...
Half the world's awake
Half can hear their hearts beat
Half just hear them break
I am but a traveler, in most every way
Ask me what you know
What a journey it has been
And the end is not in sight
But the stars are out tonight
And they're bound to guide my way
When they're shining on my life
I can see a better day
I won't let the darkness in,
What a journey it has been.
I have been to sorrow
I have been to bliss
Where I'll be tomorrow,
I can only guess
Through the darkest desert
Through the deepest snow,
Forward always forward, I go..
What a journey it has been
And the end is not in sight
But the stars are out tonight
And they're bound to guide my way
When they're shining on my life
I can see a better day
I won't let the darkness in,
What a journey it has been...
Forward, always forward...
Onward, always up...
Catching every drop of hope
In my empty cup
What a journey it has been
And the end is not in sight
But the stars are out tonight
And they're bound to guide my way
When they're shining on my life
I can see a better day
I won't let the darkness in,
What a journey it has been
Shahila Johan