it's kinda funny because i thought that i wanted to write about the trip that i had recently or about a death of my dear friend that's been with me ever since we were born but just a few hours ago, i found the most incredible story that i think i can share with everyone... it's about life, love and humanity.....
around 8.30am today, when i reach my college on the way to the class on the third floor, my eyes suddenly struck at something that was so tiny hiding and staring at me, i quickly and quietly walk towards it and i found a kitty... a small little kitten that looks like the kitties i have at home (about 3 weeks old). so when i walk towards it, the kitty suddenly walk towards me as well, and when i sat down next to it, the kitty suddenly jump on to my lap and starts cuddling with me (so manja......) :) but i found out that there's blood around it's ears and nose (which eventually stained my white top, but it's ok.... ;p).i found out later that the kitten has been there for a week and it has been kick and 'wooshed' away before. it was a heartbroken for me honestly, i mean, how can people do that to such innocent creature that God's made to keep us company for some reason. animal got life too, with feelings and the sense of love. Stupid People!
i was alone then, so eventually, no one was there to help me and i can't just walk out of the kitten so i just sat there for awhile with the kitty when finally i saw my friend, he just sat next to me and talk to me without even looking at the injured kitty on my lap, so i just talk to him and showing him and giving hint on helping me but he doesn't even care....
but then Roland (one of my classmate that's been helping me alot) came to the rescue, he found a box and together, we bought some fish and fed the kitten..but then, we have a problem, i got class to attend at 9am and no one will look after the baby kitty and then came Shafiq, he helped abit, by staying with me until i find a place for the kitten but in the end, it was 9.10am and we really have to go so we decided to leave the kitten at the corridor and pray so no one would harm it.
at the end of the class, i think i was the first one to run out to look at the kitten but in the end i only found an empty box with fish bones inside of it. so wherever it is, i hope the kitten is happy and away from all the harms and cruelty that's here among us. Let it live to know how the world is and i hope that everyone can change and just be nice to the animals. STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY!!!!
Shahila Johan
hey there... it is weird sometimes when we were out or something when we see kitten "yg terbiar" around anywhere eg; mamak or something... sometimes people will just shuhh shuhhh or just kick away the cat... wthell??? that is so mean of certain people ,because we are human... and we can think! but why human cant they?????? huh huh... felt pity with those kitten "yg terbiar" felt like bringing home too.. but what should we do? is it posibble to bring home? or ?? i dont know my friend.. but im just here to say that it is good to have a sympathy on animals because they live in this world too. NOT just HUMAH. they a apart of the nature too.. for those out there which doing such thing on animal such as kicking at the animal, throw water when u felt u dont like it, chase the animal etc... PLEASE STOP! BECAUSE ANIMAL COULD BE YOUR BEST FRIEND! your courage is fantastic my friend!
omg!thank u so much for being understanding in these kind of matters...
appreciate it so much!!!
Shahila Johan
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