Monday, January 12, 2009

a will to survive....

trying to impress someone can sometime hurt ourselves in the end. why would we want to do that?why do we have to prove something to someone who'll eventually let you down again in the end anyway? and sometimes because of that, you'll stop thinking about what you really are just to impress that certain someone who'll forever have nothing nice to say about you. because of that, it'll bring tears in your eyes, you're mood swing and you feel like everything in your body is being dislocated somehow....

i know it's hard to face it, to have someone to be picked on all the time and being embarrassed infront of alot of people for no apparent reason. but to tell you the truth, they only do it because they really do care about you or they're envy of you. either way, i think we should always put that aside and think of the positive that comes out of it, it'll make you a stronger person than you already are, for you not to make the same mistake, making everyone else noticed you and in many ways, to be better and more cautious in the future. i never seem to fight back when someone picks on me because i know that it can somehow makes me a more cautious person in the future.. just keep a low profile, don't go and attack the person who picks on you, no sweet revenge.... just think of it as a lessons to be learn.. if you fight back, it means that you're making a scene and everyone there won't even know who's right or wrong. they might not even care to listen to the conversation of the 'unsatified-ness' of yours.

put that aside, as an adult, we should know how delicate a child's heart can be... they are young mind them, and we know that because they are kids they tense to believe every word you say regardless how untrue some words might be. because we're adults, we might think that by calling them off straight at their face is the right thing to do but to the kids, they might think other wise and they won't be the same as they used to be. they will be traumatized...although some might disagree with me and think that we should teach the kids how harsh this world might be, i said it's all wrong. because kids can face reality that really age, they wanna have fun and dream and fantisizes to be a superhero or a pirate or anything they can think of. that is their time, let them be what they wanna be and once they get older, they WILL slowly learn the real world that they are facing. if you have somethingto tell them, tell them slowly, indirectly to them....use your psyclogy method to tell them. don't go direct to them and say "hey you, can you stop being a little miss bossy" or anything like that infront of their face... that'll just make they're spirit down. well...all i can say is, treat them well although they are younger than you. you might be the person that's incharge of everything and everyone have to listen to you, but they got their feelings too, so be nice to them once in a while. love the kids as they respect you as an adult and they look up to you no matter how you may be... after all, they are our future.

Shahila Johan

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