Friday, April 17, 2009

the strenght of smilling...

Wow! It’s amazing how time flies by so fast that I don’t even remember what I did for this past few months, but all I can say is that I did an awesome job of not wasting most of my time, which is good because if not, I’ll be wasting it by lying in my bed all the time and be a couch potato...
In these 3 months alone, I’ve achieved quite a number of achievements...and for once, I’m so proud of myself. I know by making myself busy is the only way to keep myself happy, not to have time to care what others says about me or think negative on other people gives me more (OMG!!) Serenity... OMG!! I guess the tarot card was right!!! Remember back in Christmas last year I said I had this tarot card reading session with my friends and my future was serenity??? Well, little that I know, I’m achieving it already. This is so awesome... I didn’t believe much at first because....we’re the ones that control our future and now, I am controlling to the future that’s the exact same word that the tarot card reads.

I don’t know if anyone notice this, but I’m actually smiling so wide alone at starbucks. I mean, I can’t believe that what I’ve been through early this year have been given me serenity, although it’s not the serenity that I wanted but somehow, it’s the one that I need. And yes, I wouldn’t change it for anything else.

I found out that the more you think about stresses and other peoples (other than your family) problems, you’ll eventually get stressed yourselves and then you would think how wonderful it is if you didn’t know about all this. So, why bother to think about all this problems, get busy and think about how much money you can make and how many new friends that you can meet... the most important thing is, ENJOY your work, have fun with it, think of it as a game and make it more interesting.

One more tips on making me happy..... If you can't make yourself happy...try making someone else happy.... help someone in need...i think by doing that, when someone else is happy, it'll eventually make u feel happy.... am i right? so let's try... :)

Shahila Johan

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