Tuesday, June 9, 2009

a love song?

this is a fact that i've known....people only read your blog or listens to your songs IF you put LOVE in it...it seems that no one cares if you don't have a life or happy about something...they just wanna know if you are happy with your love life or how heartbroken you are when you've just lost someone... -_-''' well...it's a fact!

i wanted to write about the moments that i had on everything involving me but somehow it doesn't really work unless i write something about having a crush on someone, or willing to do something for some one or even would die for someone.... so my next blog entry..i shall try to write more on those stuff and see how it goes la... now..i only have one problem...

i don't really feel the love... i mean, it's kindda hard for me to write songs about love.....no, NOT because i am single..and no, NOT because i've never been in a relationship before...i had 2 failed relationship.....it's just that..i lost someone so dearly to me October last year and the feeling of love is just hard to think of. although he was my bestest best friend, the love i had for him is more than the love that i had for my (guilty) boyfriends... the relationship that we had was not the same... the love that we had...i know that we can never be together but i kept hoping everyday of my life that someday he would actually......love me in return.....not as a best friend..but as his soulmate.... but now, i know that it WILL never be.... for he is now standing among the angels in the sky, maybe smiling down at me......or he could be my guardian angel that's been guiding me through......wherever he is..i know that he is happy.....


woah....so yea..i shall TRY my best to start writting love songs or something.....

Shahila Johan

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